Harley Davidson to release their “Livewire” electric motorcycle within 18 months

According to Harley Davidson President Matt Levatitch an electric motorcycle ” is an active project we’re preparing to bring to the market in 18 months.”
The company had previously said that they would release an electric motorcycle as soon as the battery technology was available that would give the bike the range that their clients demanded.
At this stage as we have no definitive idea of the bikes design so we can only assume that it will be based on their Livewire project which was shown back in 2014 and garnered some very positive reviews from those that had the opportunity to ride it.
How Harley Davidson will convince it’s current clients to convert to an electric bike which presumably will not have the “Hogs” traditional V-Twin sound will be interesting to see. However Harley Davidson have been losing market share as their traditional buyers are getting older and no longer riding so this could be their much needed opportunity to engage younger or new motorcyclists.
Photo credit: Harley Davidson