ACT government release their transition to zero emissions vehicles action plan

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT ) Government have released their “transition to zero emissions vehicles action plan” inline with their plan to reduce the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions. The ACT is currently on track to achieve a 40% reduction in emissions on 1990 levels by 2020. The ACT Government also has a target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest. Greenhouse gas emissions created by transport are one of the biggest challenges in achieving these targets. Transport is expected to create over 60% of the ACT’s emissions by 2020, with the majority created by the use of private cars.

To encourage the uptake of zero emissions vehicles in the ACT there is currently no stamp duty on the purchase of new zero emissions vehicles and a 20% discount on yearly registration fees. The ACT Government have also committed to the following actions:-

  • At least 50% of all newly leased ACT Government fleet passenger vehicles will be zero emissions vehicles in 2019–20.
  • All newly leased ACT Government passenger fleet vehicles will be zero emissions vehicles from 2020–21.
  • Amend the Parking and Vehicle Access General Code to require all new multi-unit and mixed use developments to install vehicle charging infrastructure.
  • Work with local and state governments to facilitate the installation of charging stations on major routes to and from Canberra including routes to Sydney and coastal areas.
  • Permit zero emissions vehicles to drive in transit lanes until 2023.
  • Conduct a feasibility assessment for the installation of covered car parks with solar powered vehicle charging stations.
  • Investigate providing incentives to encourage the use of electric bikes including through more secure bike parking and bike charging stations.
  • Amend tax arrangements to allow ACT Government staff to salary sacrifice an electric bike.
  • Support new and innovative businesses in the zero emissions vehicles sector to maximise job creation and economic development in the ACT.
  • Investigate the potential use of electric vehicle batteries to support the electricity grid at times of peak demand.
  • Review parking and traffic regulations to ensure that priorities offered to zero emission vehicles can be enforced; and provide specific zero emissions vehicle number plates for easy identification and enforcement of zero emissions vehicles related regulations (e.g. ensuring only zero emissions vehicles park and charge in allocated spaces for vehicle charging).

Zero emissions vehicles offer a clean, reliable and smart option for travel in Canberra. From 2020 in the ACT, all electricity will be from renewable sources – so using a zero emissions vehicle charged in the ACT will result in no greenhouse gas emissions. Zero emissions vehicle technology is taking off globally. As well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, they are reducing air and noise pollution in cities. The actions outlined in this paper are the first steps in supporting the rapid uptake of zero emissions vehicles in the ACT as part of the broader plan to ensure Canberra grows into a highly sustainable and liveable city.

You can download and read the full action plan HERE>>

Credit :- ACT Government &  The Electric Vehicle Council